Best Fathers Day Gifts
Unique Fathers Day Gifts
>> Best Fathers Day Gifts
When it comes to your dad you probably don’t want to compromise on anything but the best.
Here are some of the best Fathers Day gift ideas:
Video Greetings
You can make your dad a video greeting card for Father's Day. You can compose a short greeting, write each word on a different poster, gather all family members, give one poster to each one and film them holding the posters.
You can film each family member giving your dad a personal greeting, telling a special or funny story about him or sharing what makes dad THE BEST DAD in the world.
This is a wonderful souvenir he can enjoy again and again!
It is a great gift idea for those who live in a distance (away for college, live in another state/city).
Father - Son Bonding
How often do you spend time with your dad doing something he loves to do? Use Father's day for Father-son (or daughter of course) bonding while having a great time. You can go to a sport event, horseback riding, fishing, cycling, picnicking, bowling, have a trip to the wilderness…

TV Upgrade
Adding to Dad's cable subscription an upgrade to his favorite premium sports or movie channels can be a wonderful gift idea.
New Dad
New dads are always in lack of sleep. They might have forgotten when their last date with mom had been… Give them the best Fathers Day gift they could ever dream of - a few hours of good uninterrupted sleep (!!!) and a night out with mom while you provide babysitting service for the new baby.

Home Improvement
Home improvement takes a load off your father’s shoulders and there is always something he is planning to do around the house. Listen for his renovation plans and do them beforehand. Painting a room, a complete makeover to the garden or reorganizing the garage would take up no more than few hours, a pair of hands and keen enthusiasm.

Personalized Mirrors
A fantastic way to start his day is with personalized mirrors that do not require great craftsmanship but say so much. Choose the right word or phrase, such as “Fabulous”, “Gorgeous” or “The Best Dad”, which describes your father.
Use glue or contact paper to attach the letters to the mirror. Or you can use letter stickers or glass etching glaze. Add a little decoration and VOILA!
Don't forget to attach a hanger to the mirror so that it could be hung easily.
Family Collage
A photo collage
will bring back the beautiful memories and show the strong family bond – nothing makes a father more proud than to see his sons and daughters in harmony.
You can use cork board or a picture frame and make a handmade collage or use software to design and print it. It is a wonderful gift for dad to put in his office.
Here are 2 free - easy to use collage software you can download:
Shape Collage
Microsoft AutoCollage

Car Treat
They say that men and cars have a special kind of bonding. If your dad is one of those men he will love this gift – Give dad's car a complete car wash – exterior and interior. Use chamois leather to pick up any water spots, vacuum the upholstery and the floor mats, shine the dashboard and wax it exteriorly. You can do it yourself or you can take the car to the local car wash.

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