by M
I got invited to a baby shower. I would love to go but I don't have any money. I don't want to be the only one who came and didn't bring a gift. Do you have some ideas for me?
Hi M,
There are 2 things that any mommy to a new born baby can't have enough of – diapers and baby wipes and they are both make quite cheap baby shower gifts. You can make a diaper cake out of the diapers.
You can make something. Homemade gifts are fun to make and they make wonderful, yet relatively cheap baby shower gifts. Here are some ideas:
Here is a cute idea I found – it's called "Post Card Dinner". It is a post card with dinner options for the new mom to order from you. Use your computer and make the post card (or cards – it's up to you) and give it as a present. It's a win-win! This is an original idea, it's cheap and it's a great help for the new mom after all the grandmothers, aunts and friends who helped her in the first few weeks had left.
If you feel close enough you can make her a homemade gift certificate book with coupons like – babysitting, clean the house, make the laundry, home cooked dinner, Taxi services for her and the baby… It costs you nothing but can be a gift that the expecting mom would really appreciate.
Make her an Advice Book. It is a pretty creative gift that makes a nice souvenir from the baby shower and can be very useful for the new mom if it's her first baby. Get a nice notebook and ask each participant to add her advices and tips for the new mom. You can bring a digital camera and take photos that you'll later put beside the tips and advices that this woman gave.
I hoped you liked these cheap baby shower ideas and will make one of them.
Good Luck.
by Leyla
(Albany, NY)
I got invited to a friend's baby shower. What can I get her that won't break the bank? I can sew - so I was thinking maybe I could make her a few things. Any ideas?
Hi Leyla,
I wish I knew how to sew… You can make such wonderful things – It's a gift!
Here are some practical, yet cheap baby shower gifts you can make:
by Pamela
(Buffalo, NY)
I'm looking for cheap baby shower gifts for my friend. But - I don't want to bring a gift that looks cheap because we are very good friends. I cannot afford to spend over $50. What should I get them? It's their first baby.
Hi Pamela,
You can get great and far from looking cheap baby shower gifts with 50$!
Here are some cool gifts within you budget:
Pregnancy Belly Casting Kit – with the Belly Casting Kit you can make a cast figure of your pregnant belly. It is easy to and fast to make and it's a wonderful keepsake for the parents and the kids (when they'll grow up). Once dried, mom and dad can decorate it however they like – paint it, write something on it, have hospital visitors sign on it… Try it and tell me how you friend responded.
Simple Wishes Hands-Free Breastpump Bra – This is a wonderful savior for every mom that breastfeeds her baby. It's a pumping bra that frees mommy's hands to do other things while pumping. It actually supports bottles completely full of milk. It will fit any woman's body perfectly and is adjustable. Your friend won’t need to get a new size after returning to her figure. I'm sure your friend will be grateful after she'll first try it.
HALO SleepSack Wearable Blanket – This is a wearable blanket that replaces loose blankets that can interfere with the baby breathing. It's a warm cuddly blanket the baby can't kick off and it is wide enough for him to freely move his feet. With your gift your friend can now sleep relaxed knowing that her baby is warm and safe.
Baby Aspen Hooded Bath robe – Your friend is going to fall for this cute robe. After a refreshing bath time for her baby, she'll want to wrap him in something cozy, absorbent and cute. They come in the cutest animal shapes (pink and blue shark, hippo).
Kikou – This is a stylish, washable wrap that protects mom's clothing. With the Kikou your friend can first dress up and get ready and then nurse the baby or hold him in her arms without worrying she'll need to change her outfit. No more unexpected delays due to mommy clothes accidents…
Have a great baby shower party!
by Margaret
(Saint Petersburg, Florida)
I was invited to a baby shower of a friend from high-school. I haven't seen her for like 4 years. I want to get her something useful, but cheap (around 25$ or less). I thought of getting her a medical kit but all the reviews say that they never used any of the items. Any suggestions on a useful yet cheap baby shower gifts?
Hi Margaret,
For 25$ you can get your friend pretty cool gifts:
Baby Sling is a very practical gift – the new mom can put her baby close to her, keep him warm and cozy and free her hands to do other things rather than to hold him. You can find many types of baby slings in a wide range of prices, or you can just easily make her one.
Labor and Delivery Gown – This is super cute super functional labor and delivery gown. It's 100% cotton fabric and a million times better than the hospital's paper gown. It has ties strategically placed so the doctors can easily connect all the medical equipments. Let your friend feel nice and comfy while having her baby.
Parenting Magazine Subscription – This gift is especially good for a mommy who this is her first baby (but can also make a great gift for any mom). Help your friend stay updated with all the new parenting tips, advices, products and researches…
Hightop Tennis Shoe Socks –They're super cute and come in a pack of 6 pairs. They make wonderful yet cheap baby shower gifts – they're so adorable and their quality is great. They really do look like little tennis shoes and they won't fall off. Your friend will love them!!!
Leg Warmers - These leg warmers are great for cuteness and functionality! They provide easy access to diapers and help potty train by providing a bare bottom while keeping legs warm. They come in one size that fits most from newborn to ten years old. They make the perfect gift for your friend and I'm sure she'll use them over and over again!
Hoped you'll find these cheap baby shower gifts good and will get one of them to your friend.
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